Jukebox alpha Sepolia Launch
Jukebox is officially live on the Sepolia Testnet! At this time, many aspects of the protocol are still in development.
Jukebox is a public, decentralized streaming application with a single queue of songs that anyone may add to. Add a song on the Jukebox dApp and everyone listening during your time slot will hear it. Fees for adding songs are calculated in USD, paid in Ether, and grow in price with the length of queue to balance supply and demand Economics
Visit the Jukebox dApp to listen to an infinite queue of music, selected by countless individuals like you.
Easy, Seamless, and Free.
To listen, simply visit the Jukebox dApp and press play! Once you've done so, the queue will continue to play until you pause it or close the tab.
To add a song to the Jukebox queue, visit the Jukebox dApp and select "Add Song". You may provide a direct link to an audio file or a download link for an audio file. You may also input a YouTube video link to be converted to audio.
There are no fees for listening to music; it is free and always will be. Adding songs to the queue does however include fees paid in Ether and is more expensive the longer the queue and the longer the song. See Fee Pricing
Fees paid in Ether are stored in a smart contract and will be used to swap for JUK tokens when v2 is released. See Future Work
At this time, songs are added to the queue sequentially and it is not possible to select a block interval to have your song play. This may change in the future.
Currently, once you purchase the right to have your song played, it will play during the designated interval and cannot be changed or refunded. In v2, time slots will be able to be sold as NFTs. See Future Work
Jukebox is officially live on the Sepolia Testnet! At this time, many aspects of the protocol are still in development.
Jukebox will be launched on the Ethereum Mainnet soon!
Jukebox v2 will feature significant upgrades including the JUK token and NFT based time slots that can be bought and sold. See Future Work